How Much Does It Cost to Design an App? Mobile App Design Cost

How Much Does It Cost to Design an App? Mobile App Design Cost

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Friday, January 20, 2023 01:04 PM  |  9 min read  |   1124

How Much Does It Cost to Design an App

As technology advances, the demand for mobile applications is increasing rapidly. The global app economy has reached over $6 trillion by 2022! With such a high demand for apps, it’s important to know how much designing apps costs. In this article, we’ll discuss the factors that affect mobile app design costs and provide some estimates of what you can expect when designing an app in 2023.

Mobile app design is the process of creating a visual representation of a mobile app. This includes the layout, colours, images, and overall look and feel of the app. The goal of mobile app design is to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface that will appeal to users.

The mobile app design cost can vary depending on the complexity of the app and the experience of the designer. However, most designers will charge by the hour, with rates ranging from $50 to $200 per hour depending upon where you hire graphic designers. Designers may also charge a flat fee for simple apps, or a percentage of the total project cost for more complex apps.
When budgeting for mobile app design, it is important to consider the entire project scope, including all phases of ui/ux design company, development, testing, and launch. It is also important to factor in any ongoing maintenance or updates that may be required after launch. For most projects, budgeting $10,000 to $20,000 for design should be sufficient.






knowledge (1 programming language)

of 1 or more languages

Theoretical knowledge but lack of experience

knowledge & experience


The simplest





complex with little product impact


Tasks, Manages the team, and coordinates the workflow.

Work Speed















Types of Mobile Apps

There are Three Types of Mobile Apps:

Types of Mobile Apps

1. Native apps: are designed specifically for a certain operating system (OS), such as iOS or Android. They are usually downloaded from an app store and take advantage of the OS’s features and functionality.

2. Hybrid apps: are built using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but they are packaged inside a native container so they can be distributed like a native app.

3. Web apps: mobile-optimized websites that look and feel like an app. They are typically accessed through a browser, but some can be added to the home screen of a device like a native app.

The type of app you need will depend on your mobile app design cost, timeline, and desired features and functionality. Native apps tend to be more expensive and time-consuming to develop than web or hybrid apps, but they offer the best user experience. If you’re not sure which type of app is right for you, speak to a mobile app development agency for advice.

Factors Affecting the Mobile App Design Cost

  1. The cost of designing an app can be affected by several factors, including the type of app, the complexity of the app, the number of features, and the designer’s experience.
  2. The type of app can affect the cost of design. For example, a simple game app may not require as much design work as a complex business app.
  3. The complexity of the app can also affect the cost. A more complex app with multiple features and functionality may take longer to design and may be more expensive than a simpler app.
  4. The number of features in an app can also impact website design costs. An app with more features will generally require more design work than an app with fewer features.
  5.  The designer’s experience can also play a role in how much an app costs to design. A more experienced designer may charge more for their services than a less experienced one, but they may also be able to complete the project more quickly and efficiently. Once you hire graphic designers it will give you a fixed cost for their services.
  6. The ui/ux design company you are hiring will determine the add-on costs of development as they bring in their expertise and pool of talent.

What are The Effects of The Mobile App Design Cost?

What are the effects of the mobile app design cost?

It is possible to divide the cost for the app design process into three main phases: discovery, design, and development.

1. The Phase of Discovery

Market research, user personas, journey mapping, and competitor analysis are all part of the discovery phase.

2. Research on the Market

In-depth market research can help to identify target users, understand their needs and determine what they are willing to pay for an app. Using this information, the app design process can be conducted, ensuring that the final product is tailored to meet the market’s needs.

Additionally, market research can help businesses identify any potential competitors, ensuring that their product is differentiated and competitive.

3. Personas of Users

There are several ways in which user personas can contribute to the design process. For example, they can help you understand what features are important to your users and how they will use those features. By using this information, you can make informed decisions about usability, functionality, and layout.

User personas can also help identify potential issues that may arise during app usage. For instance, a working mother may have difficulty using an app that requires her to enter a lot of information. Designing an app that is more user-friendly and less likely to cause problems is possible with user personas. You will ultimately save time and money by doing this.

4. Mapping the User Journey

A user journey map is a visual representation of how users interact with a product or service. When used correctly, it can impact pricing significantly. Designers can identify areas where improvements can be made for a seamless user experience by understanding how users interact with an app.

This can thus result in lower development expenses and a quicker procedure for creating apps. Furthermore, user journey mapping can help identify potential areas of customer churn, which can result in mobile app design cost savings as well. As such, it is important to consider user journey mapping when designing any app.

5. Analyzing Competitors

By taking the time to examine competitors’ apps, businesses can get a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t for their users. By using this information, you can improve the user-friendliness and success of your application. Additionally, competitor analysis can help businesses identify market gaps that they can exploit.

6. The Phase of The Design

In UX design, sketches, wireframes, prototypes, and user testing are all part of creating the user interface and user experience. ui/ux design company to get an astonishing design for your app.

7. Drawings

Sketches are the first step in the app design process, as they help to clarify how users will interact with the app. Businesses can test different mobile app design ideas without immediately creating a full-fledged prototype.

8. Creating Wireframes

In addition to sketches, wireframes represent the placement of all the elements on each screen. Wireframes are more detailed versions of the sketches. To ensure that all elements are placed effectively and efficiently, this step is crucial in the design process.

Wireframing is not only useful for identifying potential problems early in the design process but it can also be used to test out modern app design ideas.

9. Creating Prototypes

Once the wireframes are complete; it is time to create prototypes. Prototyping is the process of creating a mockup of an app. Businesses can gain a much better understanding of how an application works by creating a working prototype. In addition to saving time, mobile app design cost, and effort during the design process, it also ensures that the final product is as close as possible to the original.

Models and Prototypes

Testing by users – By observing how users interact with an app, businesses can identify areas where they can improve the user experience. By doing so, they can improve the usability of the app. Furthermore, user testing can uncover hidden problems that may not be apparent during the design process, thus saving a great deal of money and time.

Phase of Development

The coding process – The process of creating an app requires coding. It enables functionality to be created and desired results to be achieved. An application would only exist as a collection of static graphics without coding.

It is possible to bring an app to life and make it interactive using coding. It is also possible to connect to external data sources, such as databases and web services, by using coding.

Testing Phase

In addition to exploring how users interact with the app and identifying potential areas of improvement, testing can also help identify bugs or glitches that need to be fixed before the app is released. Businesses can ensure that users will have a positive experience with their app and will be more likely to use it regularly by testing it thoroughly.

Final Launch

Businesses can ensure that their app will succeed in the marketplace by carefully planning and testing the launch process. Additionally, the launch can help identify any bugs or glitches that need to be fixed before the app is released to the general public. As a result, customers are more likely to download the app and use it.

What Is Included in an App Design Package?

When you commission an app design, you should expect to receive a comprehensive package that includes all of the necessary elements to bring your project to life. A typical app design package will include:

  • A complete set of custom-designed app screens, including any necessary login, registration, and profile screens
  • A detailed style guide that outlines the look and feel of your app, including colors, fonts, and iconography
  • A user flow diagram that mapped out the key screens and functionality of your app
  • Any additional collateral or supporting materials needed for development, such as a branding deck or icon designs

The Average Mobile App Design Cost in 2023

The cost of designing a mobile app in 2021 can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the app and the experience of the designer. A simple app with minimal features may cost as little as $5,000, while a more complex app with many features may cost upwards of $100,000. The average mobile app design cost is probably somewhere in the middle, around $50,000.

Type of Application
Features Included
Average Price Range
Simple Application Feasible Features  $24,830 — $59,150
Complex Application Popular Consumer Features $36,107 — $85,150
Advanced Application State-of-Art Features $59,507 — $137,150

Of course, many factors can influence the cost of designing a mobile app. The most important factor is probably the complexity of the app. A simple app with only a few features will be much less expensive to design than a complex app with dozens or even hundreds of features. Other important factors include the experience of the designer and the number of platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone) that need to be supported.

In general, it’s advisable to work with an experienced designer who is familiar with your chosen platform(s). This will help ensure that your app looks great and functions properly on all devices. It’s also worth considering how much support you’ll need after your app is launched. If you plan to regularly update your app with new features and bug fixes, you’ll need to budget for ongoing development costs.

Benefits of Investing in Professional App Design Services

There are many benefits to investing in professional app design services. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that your app will look more polished and professional. This can help it to stand out in a crowded marketplace, and give users a better first impression.

Another big benefit is that working with a professional designer can help you to avoid common design mistakes. They will also have experience creating user-friendly interfaces that are easy to navigate. Later on, this could save you a tonne of time and aggravation.

Of course, there is also the financial consideration. Professional app design services can save you money in the long run by helping you to avoid costly mistakes and ensuring that your app is built to last.

In summary, there are many good reasons to invest in professional app design services. A well-designed app can make a big difference to your business, so it is worth considering if you are serious about taking your mobile presence to the next level.

Tips to Reduce Mobile App Design Cost

Tips to Reduce Mobile App Design Cost

1. Plan and Scope your App Carefully

The first step to keeping mobile app development costs down is careful planning and scoping. Define the core features and functions of your app, and make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want your app to do before you start the design process. This will help you avoid making changes or additions later on that could end up costing more money.

2. Find the Right Development Team

One of the most important factors in keeping mobile app design cost down is finding the right development team. Make sure to do your research and find a team with experience in building the type of app you’re looking for. Ask for quotes from multiple developers before making your decision, and don’t be afraid to negotiate on price.

3. Consider Using a Platform like Appy Pie

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to develop your mobile app, consider using a platform like Appy Pie. With Appy Pie, you can create an app without any coding or design experience, and prices start as low as $15 per month. This can be a great option if you’re working with a limited budget.


To sum up, designing an app is a complex process and the cost can vary greatly depending on your specific requirements. It’s important to do your research when choosing an app design agency, and make sure you get the right fit for your project. With the right team in place, you’ll be able to create a beautiful user interface that will help increase engagement with customers and grow your business.


1. How is the price of mobile app development determined?

Several factors affect the app development budget, according to Connect to Labs: App development complexity: the number and complexity of features, the chosen technology stack App design complexity Selected platform: native iOS or Android, or cross-platform solution Industry and app type Dev company's location and rates.

2. Would you be able to calculate my app development budget for me?

Our developers know all the features of creating mobile apps and can calculate their costs while considering your needs.

3. If I am looking for a company to develop my application, what should I look for?

You can make the right choice by setting clear requirements and goals for your app. Preference should be given to companies that provide a wide range of services. If possible, interview the developers. Carefully examine the company's portfolio and find out if privacy and data protection policies are followed.

4. Which is the best place to hire graphic designers and mobile developers?

Outsourcing to remote countries, such as India, is cost-effective, but communication problems may arise. It is convenient and sometimes expensive to search for developers directly in your country. Our recommendation is to give Eastern European countries, such as Ukraine, a chance, since qualified workers are available for a reasonable price.

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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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