Recipe Delivery App | Meal Kit Delivery Services

Recipe Delivery App โ€“ An App for Cooking Lovers

Recipe Delivery App


The Vision

To view cookery recipes and to collect each ingredient from the grocery store to prepare it is a hassle in busy schedules these days. Coupling up the food system along with the grocery store and making out packages of it to cook a recipe, that is the main business of the client. He decided to create a mobile app for On-Demand Food Delivery App.
A concept closer to the Meal kit delivery services like Blue Apron was the thought shared to Concetto Labs to create the online app which leads to a platform where crowd can book and schedule their meal packet kit for single or family on timely basis.


The Client

To view cookery recipes and to collect each ingredient from the grocery store to prepare it is a hassle in busy schedules these days. Coupling up the food system along with the grocery store and making out packages of it to cook a recipe, that is the main business of the client. He decided to create a mobile app for on-demand food.


Business Benefits

The skilled team stretched their backs to achieve the functionalities that purely meet the business logic of the client and please the end clients. The client procures many benefits from the platform like by uploading recipes and ingredients and booking the meal kit. Client's business and created a time-saving, easy navigating, cost-saving and easy access platform.


The Challenge

The client wanted to streamline the workflow and make it simpler for end user. Client was willing to make the process automated and less time-consuming.
Major challenges were:
  • A single, streamlined Ordering System for meal plated
  • Support all major media
  • Manage title and relevant items appropriately
  • A centralized financial model to view sales and other financial information from different platforms


Our Solution to the Requisite

The mobile application was developed in reference to the Blue Apron and plated apps, where each of the viewing and ordering processes was streamlined. The app is available on Google Play store and iTunes and it supports devices of various sizes including tablets and iPads and it supports multiple languages.
  • Ingredient-based filters - i.e. based on the like and dislike the food recipe or meal kit can be sorted
  • Categorized recipes i.e. - Continental, Punjabi, Fish curry, etc. The user needs to opt his wish cuisine or dish and the recipe is right a tap away.
  • The food lover can save the recipes how to cook the meal kit delivered.
  • The mobile supports two languages - English and Arabic
  • The mobile supports two languages - English and Arabic
  • The delivery can be scheduled for future and can be set as recurrence even.
  • Address of the user is fetched from the map or user can even fill it.
  • Alike, e-commerce solution, the app has the Food Cart, in which the user can view is order and then checkout for payment.
  • Payment gateway - Paypal and Stripe are integrated
  • The user can then track the delivery status too.


Tools And Technologies

Development Platform
Swift 3.1
Restful, Third Party Integration, Google Location
OS Support
Device Support
iPhones and iPads